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Analyzing & Developing Messages

Communication graduates use communication theory to effectively critique messages.  This message analysis is done through active listening and critical thinking, allowing communication graduates to enact mindful responses to messages.

S- In the Fall of 2023, I was a senior in my RHET 3315 Persuasive Writing class and we were learning how to create deliberative arguments. 

T- To review the beginning drafts/proposals written by peers that the professor assigned to us and offer feedback to peers after successfully assessing their drafts.

A-  I examined and critiqued my peer’s argument. I provided feedback highlighting the strong points found throughout the draft. I also provided and gave examples of detailed possible rebuttals for my peer to consider along with possible suggestions for improvement.

R- Strengthened my ability to effectively analyze and develop responses that improved not only my peers’ persuasive writing and communication skills, but my skills were also improved as well.

S- In the Spring of 2023, I was a student in my ACOM course, Introduction to Communication Research. I gained the knowledge on how to properly conduct an investigation through qualitative research. 

T- To conduct a study about communication patterns and conflicts between parents and their young adult children. While administering this study, I had to make sure I answered the research question, “How have young adult children used communication to face challenges in managing the communication related to conflicts between themselves and their parents?”  A- I collaborated with stakeholders (young adults) and conducted qualitative research by utilizing the narrative inquiry method and implemented in depth, semi standardized interviews. The interviews were conducted via Zoom and I was able to transcribe all of the information revealed during the study to keep an accurate record of responses. I read and studied my transcripts in order to highlight concepts that applied to my chosen theory which was the Family Communications Patterns theory. With the information found in my data, two themes and two claims were discovered and I developed three recommendations for my stakeholders.       R- Improved my analytical and critical thinking skills. Enhanced my ability to properly conduct theory driven research, and helped me have a better understanding of communication patterns and how to better manage communication conflicts. Received great reviews from my professor.

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